Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Movie review of: Pendragon Sword of his father.

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My review:
I'm an adventurous girl and I love watching and reading about suspense, adventure, and daring things. When I watched this movie it was all of these things and much more. We haven't let my little siblings see it yet, due to many sword fights and fire scenes, I recommend it for 12 +. Nevertheless it is something you must see. But be ready to laugh, cry, get mad at certain characters, and sit on the edge of your seat :)

Movie review:
As barbarians sleets descend along the cost of Britain. They are determined to get the island from the British but as events happen can young Artose keep the vision of his father and drive the barbarians back into the sea?
As Artose fights to keep the vision alive he must also face his enemies within his own camp...put off by two homeschooling families, it won the best family made movie award, not rated, family dove approved.

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